Monday, May 11, 2009

Questions for Chapter 2

**Do not click on the comment section to answer the questions until AFTER you have finished reading the chapter.**


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Respond to one of the following questions:

    **Cherry and Ponyboy discuss their different social groups with one another. The Greasers and Socs are not groups that exist today, but there are always in-groups and out-groups. What are some groups that exist today? Describe each group.

    **Descibe the guys that are in Ponyboy Curtis’ “gang.”

  3. Some groups that exist today are like celebrities, cliques, gangs, preps, goth people, smart people, and just the plain average. The list could go forever because with every individual, there always seems to be a group, you know? I think it's really complicated and think media should shut their yapper about "belonging" somewhere in a group. Do realize how many goth people in America alone we wouldn't have in media just took a very long walk off a very short pier.

  4. The guys in Ponyboy's gang are/or act like tough people. I think Darry could be really tough because he beats people up like the guy with the belt. I would be scared to be around him. The only reason I would be scared of him because I wouldn't wan't him to hurt me. Considering when I looked at the picture in the corner it looks like they are tough especially the guy in the jean vest.

  5. EV
    I do think it is confusing that we have all this groups that we belong in.

  6. MAM:

    Those guys in the picture do look pretty tough, but on the inside (with the exception of Dally) they can be just like us... except for Dally who would probably kick of sack of puppies just for fun.


  7. EV
    I do think Darry would kick a sack of puppies

  8. Dear MAM and EV,
    wow, you guys are being very graphic about your observations...I do sort of agree with you, though.

  9. Dear Miss Purple Coyote, (I'm using codenames)
    social groups that we have today are the popular people, the unpopular people, the celebreties, the lower class, the upper class, and like howling rooster said(EV) the average people.
    Sincerely, Blue Jay

  10. BK-
    Who is Miss Purple Coyote?

  11. There are tons of groups that exist today. The list would be endless if you named them all, but some of them are The Wannabes, The Populars,and the people that other people consider Losers or LBRs. There are people that other people consider to be overly religious or nerds. Then there's celebrities, politicians, and the average joes. A lot of the time, the group you're in, shows how you'll act before people even know you. I guess that's kind of prejudiced, but sometimes that's how it works. Social groups don't usually mix, as Pony said in the book. The Socs and the Greasers don't mix, just like nerds and people with high social statuses aren't usually friends. There isn't really any rhyme or reason to it, it's just prejudisum. I think that a lot of the time people join groups because they feel more comfortable with "people like them". It's stupid, but it happens. Every day, every week, every year.

  12. MAM-
    I agree with you. The people in Pony's gang seem to act like tough people; but do you think they really are? OR do you think that they just act tough, but are really just wimpy people making out to be tough?

  13. There are a lot of groups that exist today. Like the Nerds, who are people who are really smart. The Average Joes, who are people who are just like everybody else and do the same things. There are a Populars, who are people who are just known really well. Then there's the Wannabe's, who just want to be known and liked. I think it is really weird that there are so many groups that people belong to, but half the time people are being left out and neglected. Oh, well what can you do people join groups everyday. (Maybe they just want to be noticed.)
    Peace I'm Out

  14. EV,
    You are right, Dally would probably kick a sack of puppies just of the fun of it. That's so rude.


  15. The people in Ponyboy Curtis's gang are simple. First you have Darry and Sodapop Ponyboy's bros. Then you have Twobit who lived in New York for a time and loves fist fights. Johnny is the gangs pet whose dad always beats him up and had a bad experience with the Socs. You have Dally who likes to fight and ride hourses. And last you have Steve.

  16. Some groups that exist today are the jocks who are very involved in sports. Drama club people are in the play and like to sing. The cliques are the people who gossip and are stuck up. They think they are the best and look down on people who don't look like them. There are the goths who like to dress in black and are kind of creepy. There are geeks or nerds who are smart and like things like "Star Trek". Then there are people who are not nerds and are very smart. Cheerleaders or blonds. They don't ask very intellegent questions and are not smart. Then last but not least there are the partiers who are very common in high school. They don't care about their grades all they like to do is party!

  17. Some of the group the exist today that are very common are the cliques, the jock, the smarter people, the blondes, and the comedians. The cliques are usually the more popular people and the find it fun to gossip about other girls. The jocks are the people that are more into sports/athletics (football, basketball, soccer, volleyball, track, ect.) The smarter people are usually the people that get good grades and are very knowledgeable. The blondes are usually the more ditsy people that don't have street smarts (common sense) and they sometimes ask more of stupid questions than sensible questions. Finally there are the comedian, the are usually the ones that are the class clowns and they always know how to make a person laugh. It is good to have friends in all these places but personally I would stay away from the cliques!

  18. Dear people of which have access to the internet,
    Some groups that exist today are the gangsters, emos, goths, punks, rappas, geeks, nerds, criminals, super heroes, clock repairmen, ect.
    I do not know what I fall under. Probably Star Wars Junky or lego junky. Some people do not know. Like people that do not know.

    Jw5896 out

  19. The different kind of groups in movies are well Cheer-Leaders and Band fellow's. For some reason in like movies the cheer-leaders are the "in" group and the "BAND-yians" are the "out" group. The cheer-leaders are more "in" I suppose because they aren't very shy and are usually pretty and they do tricks and flips and make themselves noticeable. The "BAND-yians" are the "out" group by they keep to themselves and are shy, most of them anyways.

  20. Some groups today are: The cheerleaders, The jocks, and the gothics. The cheerleaders, are popular pretty peppy girls (not at all schools or all the time, but on movies and stuff) . The Jocks are most of the time the popular nice looking boys, they can sometimes be bullies or whatever but most of the time they're fine. And the gothics well........... I'm not really sure what their belief is, but they wear black and they aren't exactly the most social people in the world but, I'm not really even sure about them but o well.

  21. Dear Bloggers,
    Some of the gangs that exist today are gangsters who think that they are really cool. Goths who wear all black. Drama people who like to sing and be in plays. Smart people who get good grades and do good in school. Cliques are people who gossip and suck up. Geeks or nerd are people who are smart and like "Star Trek". Last but not least there are the jock who like sports like (football,basketball,soccer,volleyball,and track.

  22. Dear Bloggers
    I agree with you ab0406 there are a lot of weird gangs in the world that exist today. You are right about it being really dum to join gangs. I think that people should forget about gangs and just be themselves.

  23. Dear ms1117,
    I agree with you about those groups. Do you think that you could be in more than just one group? I think you can.

  24. Be sure to describe the different social groups that you are listing. For example, "Preppies" are stereotyped as dressing sophisticated and always looking nice. They wear polo shirts and khakis as their casual clothes and long, fancy cocktail dresses and tuxedos as their formal attire. They tend to have a lot of money and focus on being rich as their life's goal. Preppies are also seen as being snobby and thinking that anyone who doesn't have money is beneath them. These are obviously stereotypes that exist about this group. There are many people that would fit into this group that are very down to earth and not snobs at all, for example. What are stereotypes of other groups that exist?

    Ms. Steffen

  25. What inferences can you make about the boys in Ponyboy's gang based on the author's characterizations of them? Example: Although the book never mentions Dally's home life, I can infer that he is not close with his parents. He has been in and out of jail multiple times, which seems to have hardened him. They never mention his parents trying to straighten him out or help him rise above his situation. Therefore, I assume that his parents are not an important part of his life and have probably given up on him. I imagine he grew up with the rest of the gang, because they all seem to have been friends for awhile, but he never goes "home".

    Ms. Steffen

  26. Stereotypes of other groups that exist are that some people think that all jocks are stupid, or not as intelligent as other people. Also that everyone that IS smart is considered a nerd, which is also a stereotype. Just because people wear black clothes, or gray clothes, doesn't mean that someone is gothic.

  27. An inference that I can make about Darry is that since he puts family first and doesn't really have that much fun, he's probably not a self-centered person like Two-Bit, and that he's a very generous and hard working person.

  28. Dear Bloggers,
    The people in Ponyboy Curtis's Gang are Darry and Sodapop who are brothers. Twobit who lives in Newyork and likes to be in involved in fists fights. Johnny whose has a bad experience with the Socs. Last you have Dally who likes to ride horses and you have Steve who is just weird.

  29. Yo Bloggers,
    The "members" of Ponyboy's "gang" are Jimmy, who is kidn of a scardie-cat because of when he got beat up by the Socs. There is Dallas or Dally who is a really tough and tuff person who thinks he's really cool but then when Ponyboy talks to Cherry, he sort of finds out that none of the "outsiders" really think he's all cool because they don't think things like being intoxicated and things like that is cool.


  30. Aloha!
    I will be responding to question number one. Some different groups are the populars who kind of rule the school and think they have extra weight that they don't need! Then the jocks are people who play sports. All they talk about are sports. You usually see them in their jersey or football jacket. Then the preppy who are people who are well mannered. They usually dress bright. In movies you see the preppy in bright plaid colors! The celebraties who are filthy rich and dress to impress! Then you have the goths who were black and stay within themselves. Then you have the geeks who are very smart, but in everyones eyes they dress wierd! Then you have the group who is very smart and dresses well. Last but not least the normal people who dress normal and are average! Blog to you later!
    Yours Truly,

  31. Hola!
    I will be responding to question number two. The guys in Ponyboy's group are a tough group of guys! Dally sounds like he could punch someone with just his pinky and still knock them cold! He scares me! Johnny seems like a quiet guy! But he is starting to talk more like at the drive in movie! Text-self well this may be hard to believe, but when I was little I was shy and not a talking kind of person! Wierd, I know! Chat to you all later!

  32. Dear Bloggers,
    The different groups that exist today are the cheerleaders who are really peppy. Jocks who like to play all kinds of sports. Goths who like to be quiet and hang around each other. Last, the really smart people who like to study a lot. I don't want to call them geeks because they still like to do a lot of other tings too. I can't want to find out what is going to happen next!
    Blog to you later,

  33. Dear 7th graders,
    The different social groups that are around today are the goths, who were black. There are the popular kids who have a lot of friends. There are people who are very smart. They do very good in school. Then you have the group that is a little bit of everything. They have a lot of friends. They do pretty well in school. They also dress very well too.

  34. Hey Bloggers,
    In schools there are always groups or gangs. And in this book pony boy in counters some of these groups that are are not so friendly.So
    Some of the groups or gangs that have been around today are cheerleaders because they think that they are the best and the coolest ones in the school. Another group who be jocks they think they rule the school to because they figure if I am good at a I am tough to well not really. Like I said sometimes people think they or tough or popular but they might not realize that they are hurting people.
    Talk to you later,mm0104

  35. The guys in Ponyboy's gang are all very different but have one thing in common. Dallas is very strong and a hard working man. Sodapop is very nice to his gang but I think that he can get mad at people who beat up his brothers and friends. Johnny is the one that got beat up really bad by the Socs and is now very afraid of them. Some are smaller, stronger, and or smarter than others. They are all very different.

  36. I am responding to ms0618 on may 14th at 7:23 p.m. I think you are so right about all the different groups. I also think that it is hard for some people to find the right people to hang out with. I wish "groups" weren't around because it would be nice not having people put you into a category. I know that people have some friends that they like better than other friends but that doesn't mean you have to shun them like they are nobody.

  37. Groups that exist today are the "jocks" they are the athletic ones. The "popular kids" the ones who have a lot of friends. The "goths" the ones who where all black. And the ones with a little bit of everything. This book is a good book because even though it was written along time ago there still are gangs and kids who don't get along very well. This is a great book that shows that. I am really enjoying this book!

  38. Bloggers,
    His gang is a group of guys. they all stick up for one another. there are 7 people in it. Pony Soda and Darry are all in it. one of his fiends is in it./mk

  39. Dear AH0926,
    I agree with you there are a lot of kids that shun there friends because they don't like them as much as their other friends. That is a great explanation. Good job! This book really shows that friendship is more than what people think it is. Friendship is something where you never let them down and you're always by their side even when times get tough.
    Have a great day!

  40. The members in Ponyboy's gang is Darry Ponyboy's brother. Sodapop Ponyboy's other brother. Steve is Sodapop's friend and he is not a big fan of Ponyboy. Dally is a tough guy who always wants to break the rules. Johnny is a small one Ponyboy's best friend and he got jumped pretty bad by the socs. Two-Bit is a fun guy who is 18 and still a junior in high school. They are all tough, but still stick together when times get tough. This is the real value of friendship.
    Blog ya later,

  41. The boys in Ponyboy's gang are rough, tough and scary. There are Sodapop, Steve, Darry, Dally, Two-Bits, and Johnny. Dally is the scariest and kind of the leader. He gets put in jail regularly. He used to mug people in New York. Sodapop and Steve are good friends. They are both handsome. Sodapop and Darry are Ponyboy's brothers. Two-Bits drinks a lot and isn't the worse one but is pretty bad. Johnny and Ponyboy are like fifth wheels. They just tag along to be in a gang. Johnny's dad beats him and his mom let's his dad do that to him. He has it pretty bad so the gang is his family. He just wants people he can depend on and have people to love him. I still can't find out where the book takes place. I know it is in the midwest or the south because there a lot of rodeos.

  42. I am replying to BB0519. They all do stick together, that is a very good way to put that. They are like a big family. They do all value friendship because that's all they have in that rough neighborhood. I am glad that I do not live in a big city and don't have to worry about people going to jump me if i walk home alone. I don't think anybody would want to. I wonder what Ponyboy's life was like when his parents were alive. Was it any better?
    Blog to you later,

  43. Dear outies,
    Some groups that exist today are: Jocks, popular, nerds, band, and cheerleaders. The jocks are people who play sports a lot. The popular people are the rich and snotty kids. The nerds are the kids with the brains and have their own nerd group. Band kids are the ones who play insruments. The cheerleaders are the ones who cheer at games for the jocks. I probably think that pony fits in the nerds/normal group.

  44. Dear the blogging people in outsiders,
    The people in ponyboy's group are Soda, Darry, Two-Bit, Johnny, Steve, and Dally. Soda is Pony's brother and is the nice boy of the gang. Darry is the serious hard-working guy in the gang. Two-Bit is the wise cracking longshot who is tuff. Johnny is the pet and scared kid of the gang who is very high-strung. Steve is the guy who hangs out with soda, but doesn't like Ponyboy. Dally is the mean, tough, scary, and one of the convict guys of the gang.

  45. Dear EV1207,
    I agree with you about the list going on, and on, and on. When I finished that question I realized I forgot the gothics who dress in black and stick to themselves. Like you said, you can't name all of them. Do you like the book? I think it is ok. I like it, it's just that the slang and wording is weird. I like the storyline though.

  46. Well different social groups there are today are popular peoples which are mostly rich people, poor peoples which are mostly poor people, some racist groups, cliques, goth, and the smart people groups. The guys in Ponyboy's group are tough, mean, and bad. Except for Johnny which he's kind of a sally. Also there's Dally who's a thief, Steve, Twobit who acts tough, but not really.

  47. I agree with mgi502 there is too many different social groups.

  48. There are many different people in Ponyboy Curtis's group. First there is Ponyboy who is 14 and one month. He is the main character who has two older brothers, Sodapop and Darry. Sodapop, 16, is "handsome" and funny. Darry worries to much and has to grow up to fast. He works two jobs to support his younger brothers even though he is only 20. There's two-bit who is always saying smart things. Johnny is the group's pet. He was beat up very badly by the Socs and is pretty jumpy. Steve is Sodapop's best friend who thinks Ponyboy is just a tag-along. Dally is the theifing leader of the gang. He's been in jail and lived in New York.

  49. Dear peoples,
    One thing I have noticed about all the groups you guys/girls mentioned is that you mention them in groups. For example, some of you guys are saying all the school groups such as the cheerleaders, the jocks, and the nerds. While other people say all the street groups such as gangsters, emos, goths, punks, rappas,and criminals. So there are groups of groups if you think about it.

    P.S. Thank you to JW and RH from which I took some examples.

  50. Dear Peoples,
    I'm going to talk about different groups you would find at any school.
    There is the boy and girl groups, which are devided by the persons sex.
    There is the grade groups, whom are devided by the grade they are currently in.
    There is the smart and not as smart groups, if you where in an advance class you would be in one if you where in a normal class you would be in the other.
    There is the sports groups, you would be seperated if you where in football, basketball, dance, baseball, volley ball, track, and no sports.
    There is the money groups, if you where poor or rich(like the Socs and the Greasers).
    There are so many other groups in schools it is almost impossible to say them all.

  51. Mam0428
    You said, "Considering when I looked at the picture in the corner it looks like they are tough especially the guy in the jean vest."
    I agree with that do look tough in all the pictures of them.

  52. Bloggers,
    We all come in different shapes and sizes with all different backgrounds and cultures. We all come from different places with different names. I guess those are some of the traits that make us different. We all kind of have or belong to a so called "group" or "category". I don't always get the point of this, but sometimes it's nice to have the same things to talk about with people that are somewhat similar to you.
    It seems that from day one man and woman have always kind of been separated. It really bothers me when people have the idea that if a boy goes and hangs out with the girls and that goes both ways. That they are gay or weird.
    I am no trying to offend anyone, but the people that commented about clicks and how they're not in them or they don't want to be? Well some people are that way. You say you don't want to shun the people that aren't part of your group, but you kind of do. It's not right at all, God made us all equal no matter how much money or what kind of group your in.
    The guys in Ponyboy Curtis' gang seem to have had a rough up-bringing. They don't seem to live in a very nice area, and the "groups" that reside there don't seem to care about anything besides drugs and violence. I think they are all longing for something. It's sad that parts of the world have theses kinds of neighbor hoods and that people have to be scared to live in them. I am very thankful for my family, friends, and shelter that I am able to have!

    Blog To You Later,

  53. Outsiders Bloggers,
    I am going to be responding to a few people's comments!
    First to ck1103, I agree with you on pretty much your whole comment! There really are a lot of groups in the world today. Your correct that people will probably judge you based on what kind of group your in. I guess that's just how society is, but that doesn't make it right. It is very prejudiced. I think your right that people just fall in a group because that is what they are comfortable in, but I also believe that people choose a group because that's what other people told them to do. It is very stupid, but it seems to happen a lot.
    Second to en1218, You are right about these clicks that seem to love to gossip about girls, but I'm going to disagree that it's not just girls anymore, it's the guys too. They talk about other people just as negatively as the girls do. I don't know if this will ever change, but I sure hope it does soon!
    I don't think it's fair for people to go through life doing something they don't want to do because of a certain group they're in. People need to start and keep standing up for what they feel is right!

    An Outsiders Blogger,

  54. Hello fellow bloggers of America,

    Some groups that we have in the real world is the gothics, who I don't really want to talk about. There is the nerds and geeks that suck up to teachers and are super smart. There is jocks who play sports and talk about just sports. There is the populars who are stuck up people that think they are better than everyone else. And the unpopulars that do whatever they want to do, and not caring what anyone says about it.


  55. Hey BK0323,
    I think the same thing to but don't realize it. Just because someone is where a black t-shirt or something like that doesn't mean they are goth.


  56. Hey,
    of course I wait until the last minute, anyway. Some groups that exist today are: The jocks, the emos, the band geeks, the drama club, the goths, exc. The jocks are obliviously sporty, the emos cut themselves, the band geeks are self explanitory, the drama club is for play people, and the goths wear all black.

  57. BK,
    Yeah same thing with the shirt thing but I guess if someone is really white doesn't mean they're albino either. Just like if you're really tan doesn't mean you're a Mexican.

  58. Some groups that exist today are the big tough guys (jocks), who think that they are all that and they enjoy beating up nerds. Speaking of nerds, that is another group, on shows it seems like the nerds are always really small, and are pretty used to getting shoved in lockers and beat up! There are also the gothics, they are scary and wear all black.... scary. The cheerleaders, celeberties, and the Chess Club. This list could go for a pretty long time!!!

  59. Ev1207,
    You're Right!!! This list could go on forever!! There are so many similar groups that just seem so different.

  60. Some groups that exist today are like the popular and the like not so popular. Most cliques have different qualities and social status. The most popular, are usually ones who dress in disgner clothes and who are stuck up and think they are all that. The less popular usually don't dress as nice and don't have all the freedoms that the other have. Some more specific groups are like the jocks, cheer leaders, goths, band geeks, nerds, popular (that aren't cheer leaders), and much much more.

  61. ZW,
    Haha I forgot the emos, thank you.

  62. I have a question for everyone who said goths. Was that the first thing that popped into your head, or was it because others wrote about it, or is it just because you have things agains goths, or is it for some reason no one will understand?
    P.S. I hope asking this question doesn't offend anyone.

  63. LS-
    I don't remember if I said goths or not, but I think that someone might say it because goths kind of, well they kind of stick out if you know what I mean, I guess they wouldn't stick out in a goth community, but in our towns they do.

  64. I am amazed by how some of your responses show that you are wise beyond your years!

    I hope that you all learn to never let any social group define you! Stereotypes are just that: definitions or restrictions that we place on one another. Know that within each social group there are unique individuals, who are all different and have personalities of their own. There are always kind-hearted, sincere people in every group and inconsiderate, rude people in every group.

    Don't ever judge people based on what group you think they fit in! If you take the time to get to know the individual person within the social group, you will make friends from many different walks of life and you will be a better person because of it.

    Wow! You continue to astound me!!

    Ms. Steffen

  65. The people in the greasers gang are rough,and mean, and they steal things and, look for fights. The greasers are known for their hair. The greasers stick together no matter what.
