Thursday, May 21, 2009

Chapter 10 Questions


  1. Think about the role of physical violence in the novel. Is the violence shocking, predictable, boring, or melodramatic? Do you think such violence has a different effect on readers today than it did when the novel was first published?

    How is loyalty an important theme in this novel?

  2. I think loyalty plays an important theme in this novel because Ponyboy and his buddies stuck together no matter what: whether it was something Dally did, they'd help him, whether one of them got into a tussle with the Socs, they would help their buddy out.

  3. I think that the violence in the book is melodramatic, because they are fighting each other out of hate, rivallry, and because the soc's want attention, so they take it out on the greasers so the greasers fight to stand up for themselves. The violence probably had the same effect on readers then and now because there are gangs and social groups like that who fought then,and there are also gangs and social groups still fighting now also!

  4. Loyalty is an important theme in this novel because if the greasers weren't loyal to each other, they'd probably either be dead, or badly injured. I think this because the soc's usually just gang up on one guy at a time, but most of the times, the greasers are saved by another greaser, like when Johny saved Ponyboy, or in the beginning when Darry saved Ponyboy.
    If the loyalty to each other was gone, it could have been a positive effect also. If the greasers didn't have loyalty to each other, and the soc's didn't have loyalty to the soc's, then the greasers and soc's wouldn't hate each other and then maybe they could be friends.

  5. how is loyalty important in this novel? what are you out of your mind. it has everything to do with the book. with out it you would have every single person fighting for themselves. if you are loyal to no one your dead. because if a soc or greaser thinks that you are leaning towards one side they are going to jump you or maybe even kill you without even thinking twice about what they are doing. that is why loyalty is so important. if you had no loyalty in this book you would have no story line. if darry wasn't loyal he would have a great job and would have finished colledge and probably would be called a soc because he would have so much money and look pretty good. that is why the loyalty is so important in this book.

  6. So first we have the physical violence. I would have to say that it is very predictable just because of ponyboy. He tells you right off the bat that when a greaser is by himself or a socs car pulls up you are about to get jumped. So that makes it so predictable. Also just because of how this book is set up and how ponyboy gets excited when ever he sees a soc. Now to the second part of the question. I would have to say it had a different effect on the reader because this was how long ago and fights were probably more likely to break out. Now a days we have so much police and all that you wouldn't be able to get away with murder. Now the fact that they are doing all this stuff is just nuts. I sort of like it though. A good fight is a good fight that's just the way it is. I see why they get these big rumbles going. It's fun to see a grudge fight and its fun to see who has the stonger guys. I mean its like a football game. You get to see a bunch of guys tear eachothers guts out except in a fist fight. To me I think fist fights are really fun like dally says. It is a good way to knock the stress right out of ya.

  7. Loyalty is an important theme in this novel because if the Greasers and the Socs weren't loyal to each other, they wouldn't be groups. The Greasers and Socs probably wouldn't be archenemies because they wouldn't all be so tight. Loyalty was important because that's what made the story so important, that they all got along (generally) and supported each other (most of the time). If Ponyboy wasn't loyal to Johnny, he could just say, "Hey, this is stupid. I'm outa here." He could go down to the police and tell them where Johnny was and what Johnny had done. Any of the Greasers could have done that to each other, but they didn't and that's the important thing.

  8. BK,

    I find your opinion that if the characters were not loyal to one another it would have a positive effect very interesting. Typically, loyalty is viewed as a positive characteristic in a person, but I understand the point that you are making. If they let their guard down a bit and attempted to know the individual within the stereotypes of the rival gang, some new friendships could be made. Great observation! I tend to believe that these characters would not survive their circumstances without the loyalty within the gangs, though.

    Ms. Steffen

  9. CB,

    Darry may be one of the most loyal people in this novel. He gave up a lot in order to keep his family together. As you stated, if had continued to go to college and start his career, he would probably be a Soc. Although, I think that Darry would not be one of the Socs involved in the fighting. I believe that Darry only fights out of necessity at this point, just to protect his family. If he were a Soc, I think Darry would stay on the straight and narrow.

    Ms. Steffen

  10. I agree with CB0927 about loyalty. If the gang weren't loyal, they would probably end up dead. There don't seem to be any poeple in the book who were normal. They were all either Socs or Greasers. Maybe the normal people were all killed. I guess norma isn't the right word. I mean people who were neither Socs nor Greasers. Maybe they just weren't important, or maybe they don't exist anymore *gasp*.

    I think that violence is sort of melodramatic and boring. That sounds really negitive but it is not suppose to. I think it was melodramatic because they are fighting just because they don't like each other. It is sort of boring sometimes because physical violence isn't really my thing
    Have a Good day!

  12. I think that the violence in this book is kind of predictable. I think this because of the setting of the book. I mean if the setting was a little different, the time different, and the people were different, then it would be a little bit more shocking, but for the most part, most of the violence in the book was predictable. Not really what would happen, but you kind of know that there's going to be violence in it.
    Yes, I do think that the violence had a different affect on people when the book was first published, rather than the affect it has on people today because, from the book, I get the feeling that in the 60s, violence happened all the time on the streets and people got used to it, but today there's plenty of violence, but it's not like it happens every day on the streets in our neighborhoods. We don't have to watch out for ourselves like them seemed to have to do in the 60s.

  13. OR: I think you hit the jackpot when you talk about loyalty in this novel. If they weren't loyal to each other, would there be any groups at all and who would the Socs beat up if they didn't have groups?


  14. CB-
    I agree with you. Darry does seem to be one of the most loyal characters in the novel. I also agree with you about why he's seems so loyal. He really is a very trustworthy brother and friend, I think.

  15. I also agree that Darry is one of the most loyal characters in this book. I also think that Soda is he is my favorite character in the Outsiders, who is yours?

  16. Loyalty is important by if one of the other greasers need help from robbing a grocery store, or simply getting in a tussle with a Socs they other greasers are always there to back them up! Also, they don't talk smack behind eachother's backs.

  17. RH-
    Soda is my favorite character to. What a coinincidence!

  18. CK,

    Do you think there are people in bigger cities that have to deal with this kind of violence on a daily basis today? How do you think living in small town Iowa affects our perspective on the violence in novels?

    Ms. Steffen

  19. Hello peoples that blog,
    I think the violence is predictable, because it happens through out the book. ANd you know that they are goin to fight a lot. This was different to readers back and us because back then this stuff would happen to them in real life, and it wasn't that you just read about it.


  20. HEY CB,
    Nice comment! I think the same thing. Way to go in full detail/


    You say "I believe that Darry only fights out of necessity at this point, just to protect his family." I don't know if I can totally agree with that I think you only point out half the reason.I think the other reason is that he is a guy/greaser and he likes to fight. But Soda says "He likes to show off his muscles." So all of these might be the reson or one of these, but I think it is everything.

  22. Loyalty is important in this noval because it is what holds everyone together or apart. There is the loyalty of family (the Curtis family). The loyalty of a gang (both greasers and Socs). The loyalty of girlfriends (Cherry not visiting Johnny because he killed her boy friend). The list of loyalty goes on and on you could say exact people and gangs and if you wanted to you could go as far as saying the loyalty of the police for trying to find people who start fights to get them off the street.

  23. Ms. Steffen-
    Yes, I do think that there are people in bigger cities that have to deal with this kind of violence on a daily basis because of the fact that there's more mobs or gangs in larger cities. Maybe that's just a stereotype I have for cities, but I think that because there's more people, there's a larger chance of more violence. I think that living in small town Iowa affects our perspective on violence in novels because we know that it's out there, but because we live in small towns, or not even in towns, that we don't get as many chances to see violence. We still do, but it's not as likely. I think that this affects it because, for some people, the violence in novels might seem really stretched; even if it really isn't.

  24. Dear Future 8th graders,
    I think the physicle violence is molodramatic. It is just really bad people killing people it's very weird. They go out looking for fights. Nowadays we try to stay away from them if you want to see out of your eyes in the morning. Even though it really doesn't happen out here, it happens in other places. I think the violence has a different perspective back when it was published was that that actually would happen in their everyday lives.

  25. Dear people,
    I think loyalty has a big part in this novel because you have to stick together. You have to know your friends close, but your enemies closer. Sorry I got that from a movie but it's kind of true. These friends all got eachothers backs. Everybody needs a friend like that.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Hi
    the violence is predictible because It is a violent book. and it has violent people in the book. and violence is conciderd different in that time to now.

  28. yo
    loyalty is a big part of this book because they are loyal so the stick together. their gang is a close gang.

  29. I think loyalty is important because when you have a gang with gang members you are suspected to have each others backs, and stay loyal not to turn on each other. I think Ponyboy and Johnny had a lot of loyalty for each other, knowing whether or not Johnny could go home he always had a loyal friend to take him in, that they were best buds, maybe the best in the whole gang.

  30. ta,
    I agree with your violence thing.

  31. Hello Bloggers,
    Loyalty is important in this novel because without it the Socs and Greasers wouldn't be groups. And it also shows me that if someone got in a fist fight their buddies would come and help them out same thing with any other situation.


  32. EV,
    You are right when you say that the gang stuck together no matter what.


  33. In this chapter. After the rumbble the greasers as in darry soda pop and pony boy all came back to the house and were laying down. Shortly after that they got a strange phone call from dally saying that he needs help and that he has just robbed and store and is running from the cops. When they got there they found him at a empty lot and the cops also found him and soon after that they had shot him down and the greasers went home. After that pony boy was really sick for a week or two and was wondering if he had asked if he had called for darry or soda pop or even his dead parents at times and he was telling himself that what had happend to dally and jhony had never happend but he didn't belive him self.

  34. I think loyalty is important in this novel because the gang sticks together and helps with each other's problems. They are really close together that they would do anything for each other.

  35. I agree with you EV that if they weren't loyal to each other there would be no groups it would just be on their own.

  36. Loyalty is an important theme in this book because if somebody in this gang gets in trouble and he's with somebody else in his gang and they run away and say Ponyboy was getting beat up and nobody was their he would be helpless. That's why loyalty keeps their gang together by them sticking up for their friends.

  37. BK I agree with you totally! Loyalty is basically the reason their still alive. Keep up the awesome bloggin' Bk.

  38. Bloggers,

    Loyalty is important in the novel because each one of the boys in the gang show this characteristic to each other.Because in a group you must work together and follow what you fellow team members have to say to you. Every person in their gang Has to be loyal to your team mates to be strong fighter.Talk to you later!

  39. KK,
    As you were saying to be a strong team you must work together. Especailly considering that you know you don't want to let your team mate down when like you said when the are helpless. Talk to you later.
    From, mm0104

  40. In this novel I think the the violence is predictable. I think this because most of the violence was punching, and trying to drown someone. None of the violence involved guns, or knives like they usually do now days. I think the violence has a different effect on us than the people who had read this book when it was first published because when it was firt published there wasn't many lockdowns at highschools. There weren't many kidnappings, or street shootings, in other words the world was a lot less violent then it is today. I think the world is bad because we let it be bad. If the people in the world would help kids get off the streets now it could prevent kids from becoming bad in the future.

  41. P.S. they do have guns and switchblades in this novel, but it was just to scare people, they didn't actually use it. Not counting Johnny and the police officer that shot Dally.

  42. Dear Bloggers,
    I am answering to the first question. I thought the violence was predictable because back then, it happened a lot and it happened a lot in the book so I could predict it. I think the violence in the book effects some readers today because some adults could read it and remember thats what happened that time. Little kids like us could be effected by it because we don't have that much violence as it was back then. People got jumped back then or thats what they called it.

  43. Dear Bloggers,
    I am answering to the second question. I think loyalty is an important theme in this book because they all had loyalty to one another. Even is someone was handsome or smarter then the other they were still loyal friends/family. Also, they had to depend on one another somethimes to be there for them. I think they all should it.

  44. Dear Bloggers,
    In in think in this novel violence is melodramatic because of the Greasers and the Socs are fight in hate. When the Greasers and the Socs the fight there was some rules. The rules were that you cuold only us your fist. The reason why the Socs lost was because someone had a knife and that someone pulled it out and tried to kill one of the Greasers. This kind of violence is like to days violence because they basically only use their fist also. We also use guns if they are allowed to. I'm Glad that the Greasers won because I thought that the Socs weren't very nice to the Greasers.

  45. Dear Bloggers,
    I think loyalt is an important theme in this novel because the Greasers had to be loyal too each other to win the game. The Greasers had to be a strong and work together to beat the Socs. If one of the gang members got in trouble they would work together to get that person out of trouble. Just like the part when one of the boys robbed the grocer store and the cops were after him. Then he got shot because he pulled out a gun that wasn't even loaded with bullets. I really enjoyed this book.I can't wait until we watch the move.

  46. The violence in this book is shocking to me, but if i lived in a big city I probably would think it is melodramatic. This book probably wouldn't be as shocking if it were the time of the book because violence has changed, but the concept hasn't changed. There still is violence in the world, but where we live we don't experience it as much as a big city. That's why Ponyboy probably wanted to move to the country. Have a great day!

  47. loyalty is important in this book because without it the people would not stay together. loyalty is very important. it balances chaos and order. it some times leads to sacrafice too.

  48. I think loyalty is important in this novel because if you didn't have friends to watch your back you'll probably end up dead if you were a greaser, or even a soc. This book is a great book about friendship and always being there when they need you. I really enjoyed this book and it teaches you a great lesson about loyalty and friendship. Have a great week!

  49. bc0318,
    I agree with you that they were loyal to each other even if someone was more handsome, or smarter, they still stuck together. I think that is a good lesson for kids today it doesn't matter if your friends are prettier or smarter friends are friend not matter what they look like. It's what's inside that counts. Blog ya later.

  50. Dear Bloggers,
    I am responding to question number two. Loyality is an important theme in this book because when you live in such a rough neighborhood you need to stick together with your friends. You have to help your friends when they are in trouble. Johnny was very loyal to Ponyboy when he was being drowned because he saved him. He didn't just run away. Also Ponyboy stuck with Johnny when he was running away because he knew he needed him. They needed each other. Ponyboy could've gone home and left Johnny on his own because he didn't kill Bob, Johnny did.

  51. Dear Bloggers,
    I am responding to question number one. The violence in the novel to me is shocking. I didn't know that gangs had big rumbles and used switched blads and if you didn't have a weapon it was considered not a big deal. Today there is more fighting in the world but in a different way. Today there are guns and things, but in the novel the worse things they use was a knife. When the novel was first published they could probably relate to it more because it was more in that time frame.
