Thursday, May 21, 2009

Chapter 8 Questions


  1. What does the phrase “Things are rough all over” mean in this novel?

    Explain why it was important that Johnny’s mother came to visit him in the hospital.

  2. 1.) Johnny's mother came to visit him in the hospital for a number of possible reasons... all of them sucking crack in this situation. For one, she's telling the nurse she wants to go see him to tell him how much trouble he caused, and by the way the author describes his parents, she wouldn't have noticed if he was bleeding to death in front of her very feet. The nerve of some people.

  3. Ponyboy's statement 'things are rough all over' to me means that he was thinking that they were poor, that Johny was dying, they got beat up by the soc's a lot, and about how they were wanted by the cops, and that he is upset about all of these unfortunate events. I think that Ponyboy is going through rough times and that that statement is very much true.

  4. Johny's mother went to see him in the hospital because I think that she was going to yell at him for causing so much trouble and getting himself hurt, but when Johny wouldn't let her in, she blamed Johny's friends for her being a bad parent. She also tried to make herself look good in front of the nurse. I agree with you, EV, she probably wouldn't have noticed if Johny was bleeding to death or not because she'd be yelling at him too much for her to notice!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. It was important that Johnny's mother came to visit him in the hospital because it shows part of his past. It shows into the life he has at home and it kind of shows inside the head of his mother. I think that if S.E. hadn't put that into the book, that we would be missing a lot about Johnny. We learn that Johnny's mother takes the credit for him being the person he is, but when he's not good enough, she had nothing to do with it. We also learn, I think, just how ingnorant some people can be.
    I think that Johnny's mother would notice him bleeding to death at her feet, EV and BK, but she wouldn't care. That's the thing with her. I think that she notices things, she just doesn't CARE about what she notices, unless it has something to do with her. In this case, she can get famous if she gets put the paper, or she thinks. She has to pay the hospital for taking care of Johnny, which would mean less money for beer and whatever else she's buying. So, I think that Johnny's mother cares. But not really about him. More so what he can get her; or take away from her.

  7. I think that Johnny's mother goes to see him in the hospital because deep down, she's still her son and she still cares about him. I think she acts the way she does at home because of Johnny's father. He is always yelling at Johnny and if she were to stand up for him, Johnny's father would turn his anger toward her. Personally, it's not right to just look away if your son is being abused by your husband, but that's what she did. When her husband wasn't there, like when Johnny was in the hospital, that deep down love for him probably came out and she wanted to see him because she knew that he could die. I think she would notice if Johnny were bleeding at her feet, and as long as Johnny's dad wasn't there, I think she'd comfort him. Now I'm not sticking up for her because she really wasn't a very good mother to Johnny, but I think way down there, he's still her son, and she was probably heart broken when he died.

  8. Excellent posts! I have probably read this book more times than I can count, but because of the conversations we had in class today, as well as the posts I've read here, I am beginning to rethink my original characterization of Johnny's mother. That's the wonderful thing about reading books and discussing them with others!! You can always find new and interesting spins on characters and events.

    My initial characterization of Johnny's mother was that she was a horrible, uncaring woman who only visited Johnny in the hospital to reinforce how much of a burden he was to his family.

    Your ideas have made me think differently. Maybe she did just want the attention of being the "hero's mother" and have her own fifteen minutes of fame. Maybe she does really care about her son but she is afraid of the repercussions she might face with her husband. Maybe this family started out loving but went sour after a tragedy or maybe there was never any compassion in the household to begin with.

    Keep up the excellent work bloggers! Keep challenging one another!

    Ms. Steffen

  9. Hello Bloggers,
    To me the phrase 'it's rough all over' means that the Socs have their problems like their parents never telling them no and the Greasers have their problems like having to work for a living to feed their families (the Curtis's).


  10. EV,
    I agree with 100% about all the stuff you said about Johnny's mother. You go girl.


  11. AB,

    I agree with your assessment that it's rough all over means that each social group faces it's own unique problems. Give me more details and be specific about what those problems are. Future posters, please do the same. Explain details about what the Socs rough spots are as well as what the Greasers struggle with.

    Ms. Steffen

  12. I think that Johnny's mother came to make herself sound proud or important and i think that it is mean of hher

  13. I also agree EV

  14. Thank you people for agreeing with me. What has America come to for mothers to act like this?

  15. It was important that Johnny's mother came to visit him so she can put on a good act for the doctors and nurses and act like she cares! When really she's probably happy....sorry that was harsh but I think it's true.

  16. I think Johnny's mother came to see him just to get praise for rasing a hero. I think see thinks she's a good mother that she did this for the public eye not her own with the gang.

  17. CK I agree with you that the mother came to show part of his past.

  18. OR-
    Now that I see your point of view about Johnny's mother...I'm having second thoughts.

  19. I think this is when Ponyboy got in a fight with the Soc's and he got drowned

  20. In this chapter pony boy and jhony went into a church and saved some people from the fire. But what happend is that jhony was hit with wood that fell from the celling and hit him on the back and broke his back. And in the next and he is in the hospital and his mom comes in and wants to see him and she dose and then she starts yelling at pony boy because it is all his fault. And pony boy starts to get really mad at her because she thinks he is a burden at home and he is his friend so he starts to yell back at her and she then leaves and jhony almost passes out when he tries to get back up.

  21. “Things are rough all over” means you got life bad, we got life worst, but still life sucks for the both of us. "Things" means life and what is happening in life. The greaser life is rough because one of their peoples are dying, another is in the hospital, a family of greasers don't know if they will stay together and so many more things. The Soc's lost a friend and they have to go and fight against he greasers and all. So it is really hard on everyone.
    Your elated(in high spirits)friend,

  22. RD
    You say "When really she's probably happy...." I wouldn't use the word happy I think the better word would be relieved because she is going to get rid of him once and for all and she will get her moment of fame for being the mom of the hero. Then she never has to think of him again.
    Another way you could look at this.
    Book to book connection-
    "Deadline"(was the book)- a boy was always beat up by his dad. His dad broke the kids bone and he couldn't play football any more. A few months later he died in a car accident, his dad was so sad that he hurt his son, and never had a chance to tell him he was sorry, and finally figured out how much he loved his son.
    "The Outsiders"- His dad beat him up and never was nice to him. Once Johnny was at the hospital his mom finally saw that this was her last chance to make things right between her and her son. As soon as Johnny died and it might have sunk into his dad that he is gone he might actually feel sorry for what he did or didn't do.
    So we will never know if his parents really cared about him or if they hated him and never thought about him again but know matter what Johnny is dead and there is nothing they can do to make him come back.
    Your sleepy friend,

  23. Hello peoples,
    Why it was important for Johnny's mom to come to the hospital is because she was thinking that she is so good and all that, but Johnny already knows what kind of mom she is so he didn't want to talk to her. I wonder what his dad thought about him almost dieing?
    Bye Bye AH1128

  24. EV,

    I know why would people do such dumb things, and she probably wouldn't notice if he bleed to death.

  25. IT was important for Johnny's mother to visit him because she never really did anything for Johnny that was nice and she always thought it was Johnny's fault for everything, when what can a 16 year old boy do to make you poor? Even when he was hurt she thought how stupid he was of doing that. I think she's just trying to get attention because she was the won that had Johnny and she thinks she raised him to be like that so she needs to be on the cover of the paper.

  26. I agree with ah1128 seriously what would his dad think since he beat Johnny up and now he's famous? Would he regret that?

  27. It's important that Johnnny's mom came to the hospital because Johnny died. I definately would want everyone that I love to come if I was on my deathbed.

  28. KK
    i think she was just trying to get attention too but at least she didn't beat him like his dad did. I'd get mad if he showed up.

  29. the phrase is refering to a greesers life alway rough and tuff. I wouldn't like that life.

  30. I also think that she was just trying to get atention for being a hero's mother. She probably didn't even care about him.

  31. Bloggers,
    Ithink Johnny's mom came to the hospital because she wanted to show people that her son can be a good person and with what happened he is a life saver to all the people he saved. And she just wanted to get Known by the stuff that that her son did. As Johnny says he does not want to see her. Because they did not have a very good relationship when he was at home and he felt that they did not care about him and his feeling but I guess we won't find out that until we read more of the book. Talk to you later.
    From, mm0104

  32. Mim,
    I agree with what you said the phasre means about how they are ruff and tuff. I would not want to have that life either.The reason I would not want this life is because they are always in gang fights. Who would want to get beat up certianlly not me. Talk to you bloggers later.
    From mm0104

  33. I don't think that it was important that Johnny's mom came to the hospital. I think it was rude. I think this because Johnny's mom was never nice to him and didn't care when his father beat him. I can see why Johnny didn't want her in there because she NEVER cared. I think that Johnny's mom would have yelled at him for running away instead of being there to help and support him.

  34. Yo Bloggers,
    I think it was important that Johnny's mom came to the hospital to see him because it showed that she really can be a very good person. Even though I don't think Johnny's mom was a very good mom to him, I think she truly did care.


  35. Yo Bloggers,
    I think when in the book they say 'Rough all over' they mean it was a very rough person that does not have any niceness or softness in him at all. I think when they say this it might be somebody like Dally but I think Dally might just be trying to show off and sometimes he can be nice and a softie.

    Hasta La Vista,

  36. Dear Bloggers,
    I think the phrase, things are rough all over means that just because you don't have a lot of money or don't have very many valuables doesn't mean that you are the only one that has a rough life. Even the Socs have troubled lives, but the greasers probably think they have it made in the shade. If I was a greaser I would probably think the same thing that they probably think. I think every person has to go through tough times but others are tougher than others. I don't think the greasers have a tough life but I know they have a tougher life than I do.

  37. Dear Bloggers,
    I am responding to question number one. I think the phrase "Things are rough all over" means that if you leave the town that doesn't mean that it won't be rough there too. They are saying that they are not the only place in the world that is rough. So you can't run away from your problems. Many people try to do that though. They don't realize that you can still have problems in the new place.
