Explain what Ponyboy means when he says, “It was their fault Bob was dead; their fault Johnny was dying; their fault Soda and I might get put in a boys’ home. I hated them as bitterly and contemptuously as Dally Winston hated.”
Randy tells Ponyboy about Bob and his life. Randy explains that Bob’s parents spoiled him rotten. Bob just wanted someone to set limits and tell him no. Why can it be dangerous when parents and authority figures do not set limits?
It can be dangerous when authority figures and parents don't set limits because without limits people can't tell others "They've gone too far" because there isn't a line to cross in order to go too far. Limits can be laws, curfews, rules, and simple guidelines in order to keep order in the world.
I think when Ponyboy says that he means it was the Socs fault and that they caused everything that had just pretty much ruined the Greasers life and that Ponyboy has to suffer through it. He also means it's not fair and that the Soc's are the ones to blame. Smile, RD0727
It can be dangerous when parents and authority figures don't set limits because if you don't set limits, what's there to stop you? I also think that if you don't set limits, as shown in the book, anything can happen. And if you're not careful and all you want is for someone to say, "You've crossed the line!" then it can end in your death, just like what happened to Bob. I think that the fact that he is dead, is partially his parents fault. I know that it's not their fault that he got drunk or went out looking for a fight, but if they had set some limits, had said no sometimes, and had made him take responsibility for his actions, that maybe he wouldn't have gotten drunk that night. Maybe he wouldn't have wanted to find a fight that night. And maybe, just maybe, Bob wouldn't have died and the domino affect that happened afterward, maybe that wouldn't have happened. See, no matter how much it sucks when your parents tell you no or if they make you take up responsibilities you don't want; ultimately, even if you don't see it then, it's for your own good. Possibly, because of your parents telling you no, you won't end up like all the Bobs in the world. Possibly, because of your parents making you take up responsibilities, you can have successes later. Ones that prove, that you're awesome and that you can do anything you set your mind to, all because you know how to take responsibility for your actions. -ck
Bojour, He means that if it weren't for the socs, He and his greaser brothers, or whatever, wouldn't have ever been beaten up and then he wouldn't be running away and then the church wouldn't have started on fire (wait, did THEY start the church on fire?) Anyways, that makes Ponyboy mad, and I would be complaining just as much as him if I had that life. TA TA
RD- I don't know if I exactly agree with you on who's to blame in the fact that Bob died and Johnny is dying. I think that it's both the Greasers and the Socs fault. I think this because if they had worked together in the first place, it probably wouldn't have happened. I mean really, they're all people. They all have feelings. So really, why is one better than the other? -ck
EV- I am going to barge in on your conversation with mrs. Steffen, and my favorite person in the book is Cherry Valance because her name is cool, and she isn't mean to the greasers like the socs are. RH =D
Dear everyone who looks at this post, The danger of not setting limits is the kid doesn't know where to stop. If you don't know where to stop you could get into danger. There is a song that I listen to about the old west, the boy thinks he can do anything but his mom tells him not to bring his guns to town. In the end a man shot him and he knew his mom's limit was right and he shouldn't have done what his mom warned against. In the book instead of his mom warning against it she doesn't tell him not to fight or anything so he ends up dead for fighting. LS P.S. If that doesn't make sence I am sorry.
EV- Thank you very much. I don't know though, that's just what I think. Maybe it isn't true, but I think it's a better way of looking at things rather than thinking that parents and other authority are just being mean, stupid people that don't know what they're really doing. -ck
One group always seems to better than the other in this world because of greed and lies, man. Money is the reason for murder and always wanting, it could possible be one of the roots of all evil.
It can be bad when Bob's parents didn't set limits because he is going to try to do bad things and then even worse things such as killing people to try to get attention. No one would put their foot down and give him attention because they didn't think that's what he wanted.
Bloggers, It can be bad if parents don't set limits because there children might link off of that and think they can do whatever they want. In the book this kindof reminds me of Soda because he seems to be and act like oh what ever And not care about others.Talk to you later. from, mm0104
Yo Bloggers, When Ponyboy said everything was their fault he meant that they (the Socs) pretty much made the greaser's lives bad. I think he was very mad that all this happened to Bob, Johnny, Dally, and the situation with the orphanage, so he said some strong things. I think this situation is almost as bad as he describes it to be, but not quite.
Yo Bloggers, When parents and authority figures do not set limits it is dangerous because teenagers and children will do whatever they want. This is bad because sometimes this can be very dangerous because teenagers and kids can do hazerdous things or illegal things such as light monkeys on fire and pour gas on them. This is not only illegal because most monkeys are endangered species and dangerous because when you pour gas on an open flame, it blows up and you get burned.
Dear Bloggers, I will be responding to question number one. Why I think Ponyboy thinks its the socs fault because they caused all this in his eyes! They were drunk and they were trying to kill Ponyboy! So Johnny was forced to kill Bob in this eyes. Pony thinks if the socs didn't almost kill him there would be no problem! Also he thinks if he hadn't been in the paper and he didn't run away he would maybe not have to go to a orphanage! Blog to you all later! Tootles, ms0618
Yo Bloggers, I am responding to EV1207's first posing. I agree with you because I also think limits are good things. When a parent sets a curfew, it is easier to make sure the kids are not drinking or doing drugs because the kids have to be home at a certain time! When the government makes laws such as no murdering, they are making sure that innocent people are not cut short of their live by unnatural causes. When schools make kids do homework, they make sure the kids understand what is being understood. When there are speed limits, less car crashes happen because traffic is more controlled. See? Limits are good most of the time!!
It can be very dangerous. If a parent sets no limits you got a problem. The kid will just go out and do what ever. You just give the kid the power to do drugs. Bob was way out of hand. But his parents were nuts.
Hello! I will be responding to question number two. Why I think parents need to set limits for there children, so they can feel loved and their parents care for him or her. Bob just wanted to know that his parents cared enough for him. Also that they wanted him to know that they will always be there to to talk to but, instead he probably was surrounded by material items and he probably wanted was to talk to to his parents. Blog to you later. Sincerely, ms0618
That is a tough question for me!! There are so many fascinating characters in this book that I respect. Ponyboy is one of the top characters in my mind, though. He would probably be on my list of top five characters of all time... although Atticus Finch will always be number one for me (he's from my favorite book ever "To Kill a Mockingbird")
Ponyboy is one of my favorites for many reasons. Part of my fondness for him is that we get such an honest look at his thoughts and have the chance to see what a good heart he has. He doesn't like fighting or want to hurt anyone, but it's a part of his existence and a survival skill for him. I love the bond that he has with both of his brothers. Obviously he and Soda are very close, but I think that he and Darry will become closer in the future. I think Ponyboy is so much like Darry; he has so much potential. Darry is so strict with Ponyboy because Darry wants to give him the opportunities in life that he did not have.
I will blog more about the other characters in this book I enjoy when I have more time!
RD, I agree with you, because Ponyboy must've felt very angry when they almost drowned him, so that Johny had to kill them to protect Ponyboy, which ruined their lives.
EV- I totally agree. It seems that when you really look behind the cover-up of things, the answer or the reason always seems to be money. Or money involved. Someone wants it, someone took it, someone has too much, someone has too little, there's not enough money, it costs too much. It always seems to be about money. -ck
It can be dangerous when parents and authority figures do not set limits because then children don't know when enough is enough. They aren't raised to know what is apropriate and what is inapropriate. I think Bob wanted his parents to set the limits because they loved him. He probably wanted to feel that his parents cared about him enough to make him do (or not do) things, but they never did. They just let him do whatever he wanted, and that's what led to his own death. He went as far as trying to drown an innocent person, and that's when Johnny took his life. In a way, he had it coming, but if his parents would have been more of a restraint, I don't think things would have gone that far. Ciao, OR1020
I am glad to see that you all seem to understand the importance of adults setting limits!! Although it is natural for you to sometimes want to test those limits, they are in place because somebody cares about you and is concerned for your well-being. Limits are also enforced to help you learn life lessons that you may not have the wisdom to comprehend at this age.
Just remember that limits are set because your parents (or teachers!!) care about you and want to help you become the best person you can be : ) Don't hate the rule-makers, hate the consequences!
Hello Bloggers, It can be dangerous when parents don't set limits because you could do anything you want like physically hurt someone and get away with it. But then you my adventually kill someone and get thrown in jail and then you have problems for the rest of your life.
Hello peoples, What I think he meant is that if the socs weren't always trying to beat them up, and actually would get along with each other non of this would have happen. And if they didn't try to drowned Ponyboy, Johnny wouldn't have killed the soc, and than they wouldn't have had to run away, and they wouldn't have go hurt from the church. AH1128
I think when Ponyboy said that, he meant like the Socs where drunk and drownded him making Johnny act out in self defence. It was their fault they made him kill Bob which resulted in them going to the church which resulted in them saving those kids who were in the fire and it was there fault that Pony was in trouble for that and because now that he is in trouble he might get sent to a boys home. That is what i think Pony meant.
Dear Bloggers, When Ponyboy that said,"It was their fault Bob was dead;their fault Johnny was dying;and their fault Soda and i might have to get put in a Boys' home" he meant that if the Greasers would just get along non of this would of happened in the first place. All these bad thing are happening because of the Socs getting drunk. That what usually happens when people get drunk in the real world to day. From my opinion I think people think it is funny when they get drunk. If Ponyboy wasn't in the paper fo r running away he would have to go through the orphanage with Sodapop. From, ms1117:)
Dear Bloggers, It can be dangerous when parents an authority don't set limits because then kid would not know when enough is enough. Some of the thing that would happen if this world wouldn;t have limits is kids would take drugs, they could kill people and they wouldn't even care, and they could physically hurt someone. Limits are similar to laws, curfews, and rules. Parents set limits because it shows that they love their children very much. If it wasn't for limits this world would have a lot of troubles and problems that we would have to take care of. From, ms1117:)
Dear Bloggers, I am replying to question number one. I think Ponyboy is showing anger when he says "It's their fault Bob is dead, it's their fault Johnny is dying, and it's their fault that Soda and I might be sent to a boy's home." It is talking about the Soc. They are the ones that forced Johnny to kill Bob and run away. It's their fault that Johnny was there when there was the fire at the church and helped those kids. It's their fault that Ponyboy was in the paper for killing someone and that the police thought that Darry wasn't a good gaurdian because of that. He hated the Soc because they did all of that to him. Love, mb0122
Dear Bloggers, I am replying to question number two. It is dangerous when parents don't set limits for their kids because then kids can do anything they want. Kids decision making part of their brain doesn't develope until you are in your early twenties. So if kids want to do something dangerous such as jump off a cliff and their parents let them then they could kill them selves. Something more realistic is drinking. If parents let their kids drink and never tell them they can't then kids can get in serious trouble and siverely hurt themselves. Love, mb0122
Dear Bloggers, I am replying to ms1117. Limits are very much the same as laws, curfues, and rules. Like in the book kids could kill people and their parents wouldn't get mad. Kids know that parents give them rules because they love them. Bob probably didn't think his parents loved him because they didn't limit him. He probably just wanted to be noticed a little more. Like all kids he wanted attention from his parents. Love, mb0122
It can be dangerous for parents not to set limits because then the children get seriously hurt or killed because nobody was there to say no don't do that or they can go to jail because they went to far. And what's to stop you? When they grow up people might say no to them and they won't listen to them because no one every set things straight.
Hello, I think Ponyboy means that the Socs are the cause for everything in their lives. That's because they killed Bob, Johnny is dying, because of the Socs, they make the Greasers lives hurt and filled with pain. Just because the Socs have more money, they think they are better than everybody else. The Greasers I think should always be scared of being jumped. In broad daylight they get beat up, I just would hate to live like that.
Aloha, Your athorities should set limits because it keeps you safe and from danger. People don't like these things but it just shows you that your parents don't want you to get hurt. It also shows that they care about you. If you don't have these things it can just tell your child that they don't care what happens to you. Don't hate your parents if they do this stuff to you because they are just saying that they love you.
pony boy means that the socs are the ones to blame for every thing. I agree with TA I would hate to get jumped and get beat up in broad day light and not get any one to defend me.
Ponyboy blames the Socs for all the things that are happening in his life because he is mad at them. He thinks that if they never jumped him and Johnny none of the things that happened would have happened. When really if he never ran away from his home in the first place none of it would have happeded. So it was really his fault. I think that he also could have prevented them all being in the hospital by not trying to save the children. EN1218
Dear Bloggers, It is dangerous when parents don't set limits for children because then the child feels like they can do what ever they want to. They can become very spoiled. When they get older, and a person doesn't give them what they want they do unthinkable things just to get what they want. Bob said that is what his parents did and that is probably why he acted like he did. Sometimes I wish that I didn't have to follow rules but I guess in the long run they will help me be a better person. ~AH0926
It can be dangerous when parents dont set limits because the children dont know what is too far! My parents set lots of limits. :( But they keep me out of trouble. jw5896
Dear Bloggers, I am answering question #1. What he means by that is that the socs got drunk which made Johnny kill Bob. Johnny killing Bob is because he was protecting Ponyboy from the drunk socs. Because of that they had to go to the church which caught on fire and a pillar fell on Johnny which is why he is dying. And the police think that because Bob was killed by Johnny and Pony was there that Darry is not a good gaurdian so that is why they will go to the home. So the socs all caused all of that. Thanks a lot socs. :< mg1502 is done with this blog
Dear Bloggers, I will be answering question #2. I think it is not safe for parents to not set limits because look what happened to Bob. Bob was killed because his parents didn't set the limit of no drinking. There is rules for a reason they should be followed and listened to. Bob is not following the D.A.R.E promise, to not drink under-age. I think that the parents are to blame and Bob not Pony and Johnny. mg1502
Explain what Ponyboy means when he says, “It was their fault Bob was dead; their fault Johnny was dying; their fault Soda and I might get put in a boys’ home. I hated them as bitterly and contemptuously as Dally Winston hated.”
ReplyDeleteRandy tells Ponyboy about Bob and his life. Randy explains that Bob’s parents spoiled him rotten. Bob just wanted someone to set limits and tell him no. Why can it be dangerous when parents and authority figures do not set limits?
It can be dangerous when authority figures and parents don't set limits because without limits people can't tell others "They've gone too far" because there isn't a line to cross in order to go too far. Limits can be laws, curfews, rules, and simple guidelines in order to keep order in the world.
ReplyDeleteHello Ms.Steffen!
ReplyDeleteWho's your favorite character in The Outsiders? Mine is Soda.
I think when Ponyboy says that he means it was the Socs fault and that they caused everything that had just pretty much ruined the Greasers life and that Ponyboy has to suffer through it. He also means it's not fair and that the Soc's are the ones to blame.
It can be dangerous when parents and authority figures don't set limits because if you don't set limits, what's there to stop you? I also think that if you don't set limits, as shown in the book, anything can happen. And if you're not careful and all you want is for someone to say, "You've crossed the line!" then it can end in your death, just like what happened to Bob. I think that the fact that he is dead, is partially his parents fault. I know that it's not their fault that he got drunk or went out looking for a fight, but if they had set some limits, had said no sometimes, and had made him take responsibility for his actions, that maybe he wouldn't have gotten drunk that night. Maybe he wouldn't have wanted to find a fight that night. And maybe, just maybe, Bob wouldn't have died and the domino affect that happened afterward, maybe that wouldn't have happened. See, no matter how much it sucks when your parents tell you no or if they make you take up responsibilities you don't want; ultimately, even if you don't see it then, it's for your own good. Possibly, because of your parents telling you no, you won't end up like all the Bobs in the world. Possibly, because of your parents making you take up responsibilities, you can have successes later. Ones that prove, that you're awesome and that you can do anything you set your mind to, all because you know how to take responsibility for your actions.
Wowie, zowie, maui, CK! That's some deep thinking you've got there and I totally agree with your statement!
ReplyDeleteHe means that if it weren't for the socs, He and his greaser brothers, or whatever, wouldn't have ever been beaten up and then he wouldn't be running away and then the church wouldn't have started on fire (wait, did THEY start the church on fire?) Anyways, that makes Ponyboy mad, and I would be complaining just as much as him if I had that life.
ReplyDeleteI don't know if I exactly agree with you on who's to blame in the fact that Bob died and Johnny is dying. I think that it's both the Greasers and the Socs fault. I think this because if they had worked together in the first place, it probably wouldn't have happened. I mean really, they're all people. They all have feelings. So really, why is one better than the other?
ReplyDeleteI am going to barge in on your conversation with mrs. Steffen, and my favorite person in the book is Cherry Valance because her name is cool, and she isn't mean to the greasers like the socs are.
Dear everyone who looks at this post,
ReplyDeleteThe danger of not setting limits is the kid doesn't know where to stop. If you don't know where to stop you could get into danger. There is a song that I listen to about the old west, the boy thinks he can do anything but his mom tells him not to bring his guns to town. In the end a man shot him and he knew his mom's limit was right and he shouldn't have done what his mom warned against. In the book instead of his mom warning against it she doesn't tell him not to fight or anything so he ends up dead for fighting.
P.S. If that doesn't make sence I am sorry.
ReplyDeleteThank you very much. I don't know though, that's just what I think. Maybe it isn't true, but I think it's a better way of looking at things rather than thinking that parents and other authority are just being mean, stupid people that don't know what they're really doing.
ReplyDeleteOne group always seems to better than the other in this world because of greed and lies, man. Money is the reason for murder and always wanting, it could possible be one of the roots of all evil.
It can be bad when Bob's parents didn't set limits because he is going to try to do bad things and then even worse things such as killing people to try to get attention. No one would put their foot down and give him attention because they didn't think that's what he wanted.
ReplyDeleteLS I agree with you about it is dangerous not to set limits.
ReplyDeleteIt can be bad if parents don't set limits because there children might link off of that and think they can do whatever they want. In the book this kindof reminds me of Soda because he seems to be and act like oh what ever And not care about others.Talk to you later.
from, mm0104
Yo Bloggers,
ReplyDeleteWhen Ponyboy said everything was their fault he meant that they (the Socs) pretty much made the greaser's lives bad. I think he was very mad that all this happened to Bob, Johnny, Dally, and the situation with the orphanage, so he said some strong things. I think this situation is almost as bad as he describes it to be, but not quite.
Yo Bloggers,
ReplyDeleteWhen parents and authority figures do not set limits it is dangerous because teenagers and children will do whatever they want. This is bad because sometimes this can be very dangerous because teenagers and kids can do hazerdous things or illegal things such as light monkeys on fire and pour gas on them. This is not only illegal because most monkeys are endangered species and dangerous because when you pour gas on an open flame, it blows up and you get burned.
Dear Bloggers,
ReplyDeleteI will be responding to question number one. Why I think Ponyboy thinks its the socs fault because they caused all this in his eyes! They were drunk and they were trying to kill Ponyboy! So Johnny was forced to kill Bob in this eyes. Pony thinks if the socs didn't almost kill him there would be no problem! Also he thinks if he hadn't been in the paper and he didn't run away he would maybe not have to go to a orphanage! Blog to you all later!
Yo Bloggers,
ReplyDeleteI am responding to EV1207's first posing. I agree with you because I also think limits are good things. When a parent sets a curfew, it is easier to make sure the kids are not drinking or doing drugs because the kids have to be home at a certain time! When the government makes laws such as no murdering, they are making sure that innocent people are not cut short of their live by unnatural causes. When schools make kids do homework, they make sure the kids understand what is being understood. When there are speed limits, less car crashes happen because traffic is more controlled. See? Limits are good most of the time!!
It can be very dangerous. If a parent sets no limits you got a problem. The kid will just go out and do what ever. You just give the kid the power to do drugs. Bob was way out of hand. But his parents were nuts.
ReplyDeleteI will be responding to question number two. Why I think parents need to set limits for there children, so they can feel loved and their parents care for him or her. Bob just wanted to know that his parents cared enough for him. Also that they wanted him to know that they will always be there to to talk to but, instead he probably was surrounded by material items and he probably wanted was to talk to to his parents.
Blog to you later.
Hello EV,
ReplyDeleteThat is a tough question for me!! There are so many fascinating characters in this book that I respect. Ponyboy is one of the top characters in my mind, though. He would probably be on my list of top five characters of all time... although Atticus Finch will always be number one for me (he's from my favorite book ever "To Kill a Mockingbird")
Ponyboy is one of my favorites for many reasons. Part of my fondness for him is that we get such an honest look at his thoughts and have the chance to see what a good heart he has. He doesn't like fighting or want to hurt anyone, but it's a part of his existence and a survival skill for him. I love the bond that he has with both of his brothers. Obviously he and Soda are very close, but I think that he and Darry will become closer in the future. I think Ponyboy is so much like Darry; he has so much potential. Darry is so strict with Ponyboy because Darry wants to give him the opportunities in life that he did not have.
I will blog more about the other characters in this book I enjoy when I have more time!
Why is Soda your favorite, EV?
Ms. Steffen
Pony says it was their fault because they tried to drown him that was bad because all of the events lead up to what is happening now.
ReplyDeleteI agree. My parents set a lot of limits for me. of course i still think that they think I'm a problem child but I'll take that as a compliment.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you, because Ponyboy must've felt very angry when they almost drowned him, so that Johny had to kill them to protect Ponyboy, which ruined their lives.
It can be dangerous because you might become rebelious like Bob and try to get into trouble, just so that someone would tell you to stop.
ReplyDeleteI totally agree. It seems that when you really look behind the cover-up of things, the answer or the reason always seems to be money. Or money involved. Someone wants it, someone took it, someone has too much, someone has too little, there's not enough money, it costs too much. It always seems to be about money.
It can be dangerous when parents and authority figures do not set limits because then children don't know when enough is enough. They aren't raised to know what is apropriate and what is inapropriate. I think Bob wanted his parents to set the limits because they loved him. He probably wanted to feel that his parents cared about him enough to make him do (or not do) things, but they never did. They just let him do whatever he wanted, and that's what led to his own death. He went as far as trying to drown an innocent person, and that's when Johnny took his life. In a way, he had it coming, but if his parents would have been more of a restraint, I don't think things would have gone that far.
I am glad to see that you all seem to understand the importance of adults setting limits!! Although it is natural for you to sometimes want to test those limits, they are in place because somebody cares about you and is concerned for your well-being. Limits are also enforced to help you learn life lessons that you may not have the wisdom to comprehend at this age.
ReplyDeleteJust remember that limits are set because your parents (or teachers!!) care about you and want to help you become the best person you can be : ) Don't hate the rule-makers, hate the consequences!
Ms. Steffen
Hello Bloggers,
ReplyDeleteIt can be dangerous when parents don't set limits because you could do anything you want like physically hurt someone and get away with it. But then you my adventually kill someone and get thrown in jail and then you have problems for the rest of your life.
ReplyDeleteYou are right when you say that f parents don't set boundries the child doesn't when enough is enough.
ReplyDeleteI totally agree with you about how you could mess up your whole life.
Hello peoples,
ReplyDeleteWhat I think he meant is that if the socs weren't always trying to beat them up, and actually would get along with each other non of this would have happen. And if they didn't try to drowned Ponyboy, Johnny wouldn't have killed the soc, and than they wouldn't have had to run away, and they wouldn't have go hurt from the church.
I think when Ponyboy said that, he meant like the Socs where drunk and drownded him making Johnny act out in self defence. It was their fault they made him kill Bob which resulted in them going to the church which resulted in them saving those kids who were in the fire and it was there fault that Pony was in trouble for that and because now that he is in trouble he might get sent to a boys home. That is what i think Pony meant.
ReplyDeletehey LS,
ReplyDeleteGood post. It is very detailed, and it says a lot.
I agree with you austin.
ReplyDeleteDear Bloggers,
ReplyDeleteWhen Ponyboy that said,"It was their fault Bob was dead;their fault Johnny was dying;and their fault Soda and i might have to get put in a Boys' home" he meant that if the Greasers would just get along non of this would of happened in the first place. All these bad thing are happening because of the Socs getting drunk. That what usually happens when people get drunk in the real world to day. From my opinion I think people think it is funny when they get drunk. If Ponyboy wasn't in the paper fo r running away he would have to go through the orphanage with Sodapop.
Dear Bloggers,
ReplyDeleteIt can be dangerous when parents an authority don't set limits because then kid would not know when enough is enough. Some of the thing that would happen if this world wouldn;t have limits is kids would take drugs, they could kill people and they wouldn't even care, and they could physically hurt someone. Limits are similar to laws, curfews, and rules. Parents set limits because it shows that they love their children very much. If it wasn't for limits this world would have a lot of troubles and problems that we would have to take care of.
Dear Bloggers,
ReplyDeleteI am replying to question number one. I think Ponyboy is showing anger when he says "It's their fault Bob is dead, it's their fault Johnny is dying, and it's their fault that Soda and I might be sent to a boy's home." It is talking about the Soc. They are the ones that forced Johnny to kill Bob and run away. It's their fault that Johnny was there when there was the fire at the church and helped those kids. It's their fault that Ponyboy was in the paper for killing someone and that the police thought that Darry wasn't a good gaurdian because of that. He hated the Soc because they did all of that to him.
Dear Bloggers,
ReplyDeleteI am replying to question number two. It is dangerous when parents don't set limits for their kids because then kids can do anything they want. Kids decision making part of their brain doesn't develope until you are in your early twenties. So if kids want to do something dangerous such as jump off a cliff and their parents let them then they could kill them selves. Something more realistic is drinking. If parents let their kids drink and never tell them they can't then kids can get in serious trouble and siverely hurt themselves.
Dear Bloggers,
ReplyDeleteI am replying to ms1117. Limits are very much the same as laws, curfues, and rules. Like in the book kids could kill people and their parents wouldn't get mad. Kids know that parents give them rules because they love them. Bob probably didn't think his parents loved him because they didn't limit him. He probably just wanted to be noticed a little more. Like all kids he wanted attention from his parents.
It can be dangerous for parents not to set limits because then the children get seriously hurt or killed because nobody was there to say no don't do that or they can go to jail because they went to far. And what's to stop you? When they grow up people might say no to them and they won't listen to them because no one every set things straight.
ReplyDeleteI agree with or1020 on how are the children supposed to know when enough is enough. Great point or1020.
ReplyDeleteI think Ponyboy means that the Socs are the cause for everything in their lives. That's because they killed Bob, Johnny is dying, because of the Socs, they make the Greasers lives hurt and filled with pain. Just because the Socs have more money, they think they are better than everybody else. The Greasers I think should always be scared of being jumped. In broad daylight they get beat up, I just would hate to live like that.
ReplyDeleteYour athorities should set limits because it keeps you safe and from danger. People don't like these things but it just shows you that your parents don't want you to get hurt. It also shows that they care about you. If you don't have these things it can just tell your child that they don't care what happens to you. Don't hate your parents if they do this stuff to you because they are just saying that they love you.
pony boy means that the socs are the ones to blame for every thing. I agree with TA I would hate to get jumped and get beat up in broad day light and not get any one to defend me.
ReplyDeleteLimits are good because it keeps every one in line. It also makes sure people are safe, and in a living condition.
ReplyDeletePonyboy blames the Socs for all the things that are happening in his life because he is mad at them. He thinks that if they never jumped him and Johnny none of the things that happened would have happened. When really if he never ran away from his home in the first place none of it would have happeded. So it was really his fault. I think that he also could have prevented them all being in the hospital by not trying to save the children.
Dear Bloggers,
ReplyDeleteIt is dangerous when parents don't set limits for children because then the child feels like they can do what ever they want to. They can become very spoiled. When they get older, and a person doesn't give them what they want they do unthinkable things just to get what they want. Bob said that is what his parents did and that is probably why he acted like he did. Sometimes I wish that I didn't have to follow rules but I guess in the long run they will help me be a better person.
It can be dangerous when parents dont set limits because the children dont know what is too far! My parents set lots of limits. :( But they keep me out of trouble.
Dear Bloggers,
ReplyDeleteI am answering question #1. What he means by that is that the socs got drunk which made Johnny kill Bob. Johnny killing Bob is because he was protecting Ponyboy from the drunk socs. Because of that they had to go to the church which caught on fire and a pillar fell on Johnny which is why he is dying. And the police think that because Bob was killed by Johnny and Pony was there that Darry is not a good gaurdian so that is why they will go to the home. So the socs all caused all of that. Thanks a lot socs. :<
mg1502 is done with this blog
Dear Bloggers,
ReplyDeleteI will be answering question #2. I think it is not safe for parents to not set limits because look what happened to Bob. Bob was killed because his parents didn't set the limit of no drinking. There is rules for a reason they should be followed and listened to. Bob is not following the D.A.R.E promise, to not drink under-age. I think that the parents are to blame and Bob not Pony and Johnny.