to all you peoples, Johnny and Pony ran in to a burning building to save kids they didn't know. Then Dally pulled Johnny out of the building. They showed the heroic quality of not caring about their own safty and doing all they could to prevent people from gettin hurt. They are like the superman or batman of Greasers if you know what I mean (except for the fact that they aren't afraid of kryptonite or dress up as a bat). Your friend, LS
Yo peeps, When Pony says, “I had taken the long way around, but I was finally home. To stay.” I think he means, it was a long time ago that his home actually felt like home, but now he knows that when he is with his brothers he is home and he never wants to leave them or the town he called home. LS
The heroic qualities that they have are when Pony, Johnny save the kids from the burning chuch they are like superheros for risking their lives for them. Dally's heroic qualities are when the chuch just about collapsed he pulled Johnny out just in time! He also put the fire out on Ponyboy's back! =D, RDO727
LS0321, When I first read the question of "I had taken the long way around, but I was finally home to stay" I didn't really understand it. But after I read your answer I understand it fully know because you described it really well. :), RD0727
Hello fellows!! The heroic qualities that the people show are that Dally pulled Johnny out of the way when the church was about to fall on him! Pony and Johnny saved the kids from the big fire at the church!! Smile!!!=] MW0423
When Pony talks about taking the long way around and he was at home to stay, I think he meant it that he had a mini journey and was glad to back with his brothers Soda and Darry.
Heroic qualities that Johnny, Ponyboy, and Dally show during this chapter are that they put aside their own, personal safety to save other people's lives. For Johnny and Pony, it was about the fact that they saved kids, that were complete strangers to them, from dieing a horrible death. For Dally, it was the fact that he put the fire out on Pony even though he could have gotten really bad burns and that he ran into the church, that was about to collapse, to save Johnny's life. Like LS and RM said, becoming Greaser Superheros. -ck
The heroic qualities that Johnny, Ponyboy, and Dally show in this chapter is Ponyboy and Johnny ran into a burning church just to save some kids they didn't now. When they got the kids out of the church, the church started to give way. So Dally literally pulled Johnny and Ponyboy out of the church. Ponyboy was on fire so Dally pounded on Ponyboy's back to put out the ragging flames. Then they were all taken to the hospital, but Ponyboy was scared that he was going to the police station.
When Ponyboy sais "I had taken the long way around but i was finally home to stay" I think he mean that he could have just walked home right away that night at the park. He could have turned right back and confronted Darry again. It would have saved him a lot of trouble. Instead he stayed in the park and got almost drowned by the Socs. Then Johnny killed Bob. If the Socs hadn't come, Ponyboy would have just gone home and everything would have gone back to "normal." Ciao, OR1020
or Your answer about the whole "I had taken the long way around but I was finally home to stay" thing sounds better than my answer I agree with you. LS
The heoric qualities they show are, bravery courage, taking responsibilties, they show no matter what the gang is always there, no one backs down. They were pretty heoric when they went in the burning building, they took responsibility for what they thought was a result of something they did, they were brave because they jumped in and saved the kids with out looking back, that also goes with the courage thing. Dally showed that no matter what the gang is there, by going back in to save Johnny and Ponyboy.
OR, I'M right with ya there chica. I think that is what it means. That instead of going back he had to get in all of this trouble and do all these things just to go back to what it was.
I agree with you LS that Ponyboy and Johnny were very brave to save little kids. I probably wouldn't think of getting hurt. That just shows how much they care about saving those kids.
Johnny, Ponyboy, and Dally show heroic qualities in this chapter because when the church was burning down they went in after the children that were still in the building. A hero will risk their life to save others and that is what they did. The 3 boys showed bravery and they took matters into their own hands. A hero will put whatever is going on in their lives behind them to help others. I think that this town is very thankful for them.
I think that when Ponyboy say "I had taken the long way around but I was finally home to stay" I think he means that he could have left Johnny alone and ran back home and act like nothing had happened but he helped Johnny. I think it was the right thing to do on Ponyboys part because Johnny stayed by him when he was going to run off. Even though he took the long way by running off in the first place after Darry hit him but he took responcibility for his actions. I think that Ponyboy is glad to be back with his family. I think that he also meant his family finally felt like a family again. EN1218
Bloggers, In the qeustion that the teacher gave to us about how the three boys were heroic Pony Boy you could tell was thinking of other people before himself. The part in the book that you could tell Pony was think of others before himself was when the fire happened and he wanted to make sure the children were okay even though he was feeling weak. I think that people should have this qualitiy in their lifes.Talk to you later. From mm0104
I agree that Pony finally feels that he has his family back. I am so glad that he realized that his big brother really did care for him as much as he cares for their other brother. I would feel like I got respect back. Pony says he starts to feel that his family is okay now . And even though his parents left that he still had hope in himself that he will have good life. Talk to you later. From, mm0104
Bloggers, I will be respoding to question number one. Why I think Johnny, Ponyboy, and Dally had heroic actions in this chapter is because the church that Pony and Johnny where living in was burning down. This is while they were going to go home with Dally and turn themselves in. They saw a big crowd and smoke coming from the church, so Pony ran up the hill and Johnny followed him. They reached the church and this guy wouldn't let them go in, but then Pony and Johnny pushed him out of the way and they threw a rock at the wind. Once they got in threw the window the smoked filled their lungs, so they hurried to find the kids. They found all the kids and threw them out the window. Pony jumped out the wind right before the roof clapsed! Johnny was still in there so Dally ran threw the fire and smoke to get Johnny out of the rubish! The ambulence got there and took all three of them away and that is why they are heroes in this chapter! Goodbye, ms0618
Aloha! I will be responding to question number two. What I think Ponyboy meant when he said what he said is instead of leaving town he could of turned to his family for help. I also think he meant that he is happy to be back. I bet he kind of regrets going to that old church! But it did strengthen Johnny and Ponyboy's relationship. On the other hand Johnny may not live and Dally is hurt! So it was bad too! Tata For Now, ms0618
Yo Bloggers, The heroic qualities that the boys had in this chapter were being brave and courageous when the church started to burn, they all tried to help all the people that were in danger rather than just run away. This is brave and courageous because they could have been seriously hurt or burned, and Dally and Johnny were! I think Johnny is probably glad that he did this because he feels good and Dally is probably thinking he's all cool and what not now that he probably saved some lives.
I'll tell ya the heroic traits they show.Ponyboy first shoots out of the car and into the building. Then Johnny won't leave him in their alone and follows Ponyboy into the burning building. P and J decide to grab the kids and throw them out the window. Once they are done Dally helps them get out the window and knocks Dally out.
Bloggers, I am answering to the first question. The qualities I think Dally, Johnny, and Ponyboy have are brave, courageous, and kind. I think they have those qualities because of what they did for those children. I think they deserved their reward because they done something nobody else would. I wonder if Johnny will be okay! From, bc0318
JOhnny Pony and Dally are heroic because they save the kids from the burning church. Not that many people will do that. I know I wouldn't. ZW P.S. I hope Johnny will be ok.
they show heroric qualities throughout the chapter because they went into a flaming church, risking their lives, so that they could save people they didn't even know.
I agree with OR, because Ponyboy could've just walked home, but instead he walked with Johny that night in the park. I think he did that because Darry hit him and he didn't want to go back to Darry. Actually, I don't think that, I know that. It says it in the book!
Dear Bloggers, The heroic qualities that happen in this chaper are that the boys do brave things like saving people from the burning church. The boys did a really god deed for the people that were in the church by helping them get out before the church collapsed on them. Dally and Johnny were the only ones that got burned or seriously hurt. Dally only had some burns on his arm and Johnny Had a broken back and burns also. The way that Johnny got the broken back was by a board that fell on him when the church started to fall down. Johnny may never be able to walk again because of this terrible accident. The boys call themselves heroes for doing this. I think that they deserve to be called heroes. From, ms1117:)
Dear Bloggers, When Ponyboy says,"I had raken the long way around, but I was finally home. To stay". I think he means that it has been so long sense he has seen his family. The main thing that he was trying to say that he is so glad to see his brothers and his home town. When he is with his brother it seems that there would be no other place that he would like to be with. From, ms1117:)
Dear Bloggters, I agree with you zw1215. I wouldn't run into a burning building either. Do you think Johnny is going to be okay or not? I think he will but he might never be able to walk again. It is true that not many people do it beside fireman and people who are really brave like Dally, Johnny, and Ponyboy are.
Be specific! When you say that you like something someone else posted or that you agree with them, tell specifically what you liked or what you agree with and why. Help me understand your thought process as you read through other student's blogs and what realizations you are actually making.
Excellent job of describing multiple qualities that the boys showed during their stay at the church! Bravery was not the only quality of a hero that these gentlemen showed when they saved the children from a burning building (although it is a very important one!)
I am glad Ponyboy finally realized that Darry loves him and is strict with him out of love!! It made me feel like their home life will be much different now that they all understand each other a little better. I think that it is one of the most important realizations Ponyboy makes during this novel.
You used a lot of details from the book to support your answer and that helps me realize all of the connects you made while reading and how well you comprehended this chapter! It is wonderful to point out that Johnny and Ponyboy had to fight the adults holding them back to get into the burning building! They had to make quite an effort to help those children in danger.
yelo fellow bloggers, What heroic qualities they share is that they aren't scared of anything. And that they actually care about others, and know one believed that a greaser would do that for someone. Johnny even said it was worth it, and he wouldn't change what he did. That is all I have for you.
Some heroic qualities that Johhny, Ponyboy, and Dally show during this chapter are that Johnny said that he would turn himself in for killing Bob and when he went in behind Ponyboy when they were going into the church to save the children. Ponyboy went into the church and grabbed the little kids and threw them outside. Dally saved Ponyboy right before the church collapsed and he helped some kids get out. Also I would have to say all of them were heroic because the risked their lives to save children.
The Qualities are the showed that they were brave. I think they are all very friendly people. He means that it took him a long time but he figures out where he belongs in the world.
Bloggers, I am answering to the first question. What I think Ponyboy meant was now since he is at his real home, it is starting to feel like home for him. I think he said that because he was homesick and was glad to be home. I would be homesick too. I like my home very much! Blogg to you later, bc0318
Bloggers, I agree with you ms1117. You were very specific about what you said too! Did you think he was homesick? I thought he was. I am glad he "found" a family! From, bc0318
Bloggers, I am answering to question number one. Heroic qualities that Johnny, Ponyboy, and Dallas had during this chapter were bravery. They dove into a burning church to save kids they didn't even know. I think that was very brave. Also they didn't hesitate. Once they knew that there were kids in there they just dove right into the church to save them. Also they were very loyal. They didn't leave anyone behind. They stuck together like a family. Love, mb0122
Dear Bloggers, I am responding to LS0321. She had a good point that they are like the batman greasers. It gave me a very vivid image. They were very selfless about not caring about their own safety. I didn't think about that. I think that Johnny and Ponyboy were more brave, Dallas only helped because he didn't want to have Johnny and Ponyboy to get hurt because if they did get hurt people would reconize them in the paper and they would be caught. Love, mb0122
mb I don't think Dally cared if they got reconize in the paper and that would be how they would get caught because he knew Johnny was going to turn himself in anyway. LS
Dear Bloggers, The heroic qualities that Pony, Johnny, and Dally show in this chapter is the church goes on fire and there are kids in it. So Pony jumpes in and Johnny and Dally jump in after him and they rescue the kids trapped in the church. I would never do that ever, well, maybe it depends on who is in it. The movie the Outsiders had good detail on that scene. Poor Johnny, he had a pillar drop on him and he got burned badly. Dally just got burned badly like pony. mg1502
Dear Bloggers, What I think Ponyboy means when he says that he took the long way around but he is home is that before he helped the kids he thought that Darry didn't care about him a lot but he does now. I think Pony is just happy now that Darry likes him more. I think that Darry always cared about him and he just didn't show it. I also think that he is in the paper so that makes him think he is more known. I Think that Pony gets a little cocky in this part of the book. I think that Dally was fine but just a little hurt. mg1502
Dear AH1128, They are not afraid of nothing but they are not afraid of anything. I liked the part when Johnny said that he would not regret saving those kids and that he was happy that he did. I think that Johnny is very nice and selfless. I wonder if Dally felt the same thing that Johnny did? I think that he did and the same with Ponyboy. This is a text-to-movie coment when I was reading the book it reminded me of the movie, Stand By Me, it was really alike. mg1502
What heroic qualities do Johnny, Ponyboy and Dally show during this chapter?
ReplyDeleteExplain what Ponyboy means when he says, “I had taken the long way around, but I was finally home. To stay.”
to all you peoples,
ReplyDeleteJohnny and Pony ran in to a burning building to save kids they didn't know. Then Dally pulled Johnny out of the building. They showed the heroic quality of not caring about their own safty and doing all they could to prevent people from gettin hurt. They are like the superman or batman of Greasers if you know what I mean (except for the fact that they aren't afraid of kryptonite or dress up as a bat).
Your friend,
Yo peeps,
ReplyDeleteWhen Pony says, “I had taken the long way around, but I was finally home. To stay.”
I think he means, it was a long time ago that his home actually felt like home, but now he knows that when he is with his brothers he is home and he never wants to leave them or the town he called home.
The heroic qualities that they have are when Pony, Johnny save the kids from the burning chuch they are like superheros for risking their lives for them. Dally's heroic qualities are when the chuch just about collapsed he pulled Johnny out just in time! He also put the fire out on Ponyboy's back!
ReplyDeleteWhen I first read the question of "I had taken the long way around, but I was finally home to stay" I didn't really understand it. But after I read your answer I understand it fully know because you described it really well.
Hello fellows!!
ReplyDeleteThe heroic qualities that the people show are that Dally pulled Johnny out of the way when the church was about to fall on him! Pony and Johnny saved the kids from the big fire at the church!!
ReplyDeleteI really like your discription of the question "I had taken the long way around, but i was finallly home to stay"!!!!
When Pony talks about taking the long way around and he was at home to stay, I think he meant it that he had a mini journey and was glad to back with his brothers Soda and Darry.
ReplyDeleteI totally agree with your visions of heroic qualities for Johnny and Pony!
Heroic qualities that Johnny, Ponyboy, and Dally show during this chapter are that they put aside their own, personal safety to save other people's lives. For Johnny and Pony, it was about the fact that they saved kids, that were complete strangers to them, from dieing a horrible death. For Dally, it was the fact that he put the fire out on Pony even though he could have gotten really bad burns and that he ran into the church, that was about to collapse, to save Johnny's life. Like LS and RM said, becoming Greaser Superheros.
The heroic qualities that Johnny, Ponyboy, and Dally show in this chapter is Ponyboy and Johnny ran into a burning church just to save some kids they didn't now. When they got the kids out of the church, the church started to give way. So Dally literally pulled Johnny and Ponyboy out of the church. Ponyboy was on fire so Dally pounded on Ponyboy's back to put out the ragging flames. Then they were all taken to the hospital, but Ponyboy was scared that he was going to the police station.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you when you say that Ponyboy just went on a little journey and was really happy to see and be with his brothers Soda and Darry.
The heroic qualities that they show are running into a burning building, saving little kids, putting fires out on each others backs.
ReplyDeleteWhen Ponyboy sais "I had taken the long way around but i was finally home to stay" I think he mean that he could have just walked home right away that night at the park. He could have turned right back and confronted Darry again. It would have saved him a lot of trouble. Instead he stayed in the park and got almost drowned by the Socs. Then Johnny killed Bob. If the Socs hadn't come, Ponyboy would have just gone home and everything would have gone back to "normal."
The heroic qualities are:
Thats a rockin' way to look at things OR1020!
ReplyDeletePEACE OUT
ReplyDeleteYour answer about the whole "I had taken the long way around but I was finally home to stay" thing sounds better than my answer I agree with you.
The heoric qualities they show are, bravery courage, taking responsibilties, they show no matter what the gang is always there, no one backs down. They were pretty heoric when they went in the burning building, they took responsibility for what they thought was a result of something they did, they were brave because they jumped in and saved the kids with out looking back, that also goes with the courage thing. Dally showed that no matter what the gang is there, by going back in to save Johnny and Ponyboy.
ReplyDeleteI'M right with ya there chica. I think that is what it means. That instead of going back he had to get in all of this trouble and do all these things just to go back to what it was.
I agree with you LS that Ponyboy and Johnny were very brave to save little kids. I probably wouldn't think of getting hurt. That just shows how much they care about saving those kids.
ReplyDeleteJohnny, Ponyboy, and Dally show heroic qualities in this chapter because when the church was burning down they went in after the children that were still in the building. A hero will risk their life to save others and that is what they did. The 3 boys showed bravery and they took matters into their own hands. A hero will put whatever is going on in their lives behind them to help others. I think that this town is very thankful for them.
ReplyDeleteI think that when Ponyboy say "I had taken the long way around but I was finally home to stay" I think he means that he could have left Johnny alone and ran back home and act like nothing had happened but he helped Johnny. I think it was the right thing to do on Ponyboys part because Johnny stayed by him when he was going to run off. Even though he took the long way by running off in the first place after Darry hit him but he took responcibility for his actions. I think that Ponyboy is glad to be back with his family. I think that he also meant his family finally felt like a family again.
ReplyDeleteIn the qeustion that the teacher gave to us about how the three boys were heroic Pony Boy you could tell was thinking of other people before himself. The part in the book that you could tell Pony was think of others before himself was when the fire happened and he wanted to make sure the children were okay even though he was feeling weak. I think that people should have this qualitiy in their lifes.Talk to you later.
From mm0104
Hey en,
ReplyDeleteI agree that Pony finally feels that he has his family back. I am so glad that he realized that his big brother really did care for him as much as he cares for their other brother. I would feel like I got respect back. Pony says he starts to feel that his family is okay now . And even though his parents left that he still had hope in himself that he will have good life. Talk to you later.
From, mm0104
ReplyDeleteI will be respoding to question number one. Why I think Johnny, Ponyboy, and Dally had heroic actions in this chapter is because the church that Pony and Johnny where living in was burning down. This is while they were going to go home with Dally and turn themselves in. They saw a big crowd and smoke coming from the church, so Pony ran up the hill and Johnny followed him. They reached the church and this guy wouldn't let them go in, but then Pony and Johnny pushed him out of the way and they threw a rock at the wind. Once they got in threw the window the smoked filled their lungs, so they hurried to find the kids. They found all the kids and threw them out the window. Pony jumped out the wind right before the roof clapsed! Johnny was still in there so Dally ran threw the fire and smoke to get Johnny out of the rubish! The ambulence got there and took all three of them away and that is why they are heroes in this chapter!
ReplyDeleteI will be responding to question number two. What I think Ponyboy meant when he said what he said is instead of leaving town he could of turned to his family for help. I also think he meant that he is happy to be back. I bet he kind of regrets going to that old church! But it did strengthen Johnny and Ponyboy's relationship. On the other hand Johnny may not live and Dally is hurt! So it was bad too!
Tata For Now,
Yo Bloggers,
ReplyDeleteThe heroic qualities that the boys had in this chapter were being brave and courageous when the church started to burn, they all tried to help all the people that were in danger rather than just run away. This is brave and courageous because they could have been seriously hurt or burned, and Dally and Johnny were! I think Johnny is probably glad that he did this because he feels good and Dally is probably thinking he's all cool and what not now that he probably saved some lives.
Yo Bloggers,
ReplyDeleteI am responding to EN1218's posting. I thin you are very right and probably understanding the book more than I do!!
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI'll tell ya the heroic traits they show.Ponyboy first shoots out of the car and into the building. Then Johnny won't leave him in their alone and follows Ponyboy into the burning building. P and J decide to grab the kids and throw them out the window. Once they are done Dally helps them get out the window and knocks Dally out.
ReplyDeleteI am answering to the first question. The qualities I think Dally, Johnny, and Ponyboy have are brave, courageous, and kind. I think they have those qualities because of what they did for those children. I think they deserved their reward because they done something nobody else would. I wonder if Johnny will be okay!
JOhnny Pony and Dally are heroic because they save the kids from the burning church. Not that many people will do that. I know I wouldn't.
P.S. I hope Johnny will be ok.
ReplyDeleteI agree they are being very heroic, brave, courageous, and kind. Would you be able to do that?
they show heroric qualities throughout the chapter because they went into a flaming church, risking their lives, so that they could save people they didn't even know.
ReplyDeleteI agree with OR, because Ponyboy could've just walked home, but instead he walked with Johny that night in the park. I think he did that because Darry hit him and he didn't want to go back to Darry. Actually, I don't think that, I know that. It says it in the book!
ReplyDeleteDear Bloggers,
ReplyDeleteThe heroic qualities that happen in this chaper are that the boys do brave things like saving people from the burning church. The boys did a really god deed for the people that were in the church by helping them get out before the church collapsed on them. Dally and Johnny were the only ones that got burned or seriously hurt. Dally only had some burns on his arm and Johnny Had a broken back and burns also. The way that Johnny got the broken back was by a board that fell on him when the church started to fall down. Johnny may never be able to walk again because of this terrible accident. The boys call themselves heroes for doing this. I think that they deserve to be called heroes.
Dear Bloggers,
ReplyDeleteWhen Ponyboy says,"I had raken the long way around, but I was finally home. To stay". I think he means that it has been so long sense he has seen his family. The main thing that he was trying to say that he is so glad to see his brothers and his home town. When he is with his brother it seems that there would be no other place that he would like to be with.
Dear Bloggters,
ReplyDeleteI agree with you zw1215. I wouldn't run into a burning building either. Do you think Johnny is going to be okay or not? I think he will but he might never be able to walk again. It is true that not many people do it beside fireman and people who are really brave like Dally, Johnny, and Ponyboy are.
ReplyDeleteWhat parts of what LS said in her post helped you understand the quote better?
Ms. Steffen
ReplyDeleteBe specific! When you say that you like something someone else posted or that you agree with them, tell specifically what you liked or what you agree with and why. Help me understand your thought process as you read through other student's blogs and what realizations you are actually making.
Ms. Steffen
ReplyDeleteExcellent job of describing multiple qualities that the boys showed during their stay at the church! Bravery was not the only quality of a hero that these gentlemen showed when they saved the children from a burning building (although it is a very important one!)
Ms. Steffen
ReplyDeleteI am glad Ponyboy finally realized that Darry loves him and is strict with him out of love!! It made me feel like their home life will be much different now that they all understand each other a little better. I think that it is one of the most important realizations Ponyboy makes during this novel.
Ms. Steffen
ReplyDeleteYou used a lot of details from the book to support your answer and that helps me realize all of the connects you made while reading and how well you comprehended this chapter! It is wonderful to point out that Johnny and Ponyboy had to fight the adults holding them back to get into the burning building! They had to make quite an effort to help those children in danger.
Ms. Steffen
yelo fellow bloggers,
ReplyDeleteWhat heroic qualities they share is that they aren't scared of anything. And that they actually care about others, and know one believed that a greaser would do that for someone. Johnny even said it was worth it, and he wouldn't change what he did.
That is all I have for you.
ReplyDeleteI said the same thing man. Good blog.
Some heroic qualities that Johhny, Ponyboy, and Dally show during this chapter are that Johnny said that he would turn himself in for killing Bob and when he went in behind Ponyboy when they were going into the church to save the children. Ponyboy went into the church and grabbed the little kids and threw them outside. Dally saved Ponyboy right before the church collapsed and he helped some kids get out. Also I would have to say all of them were heroic because the risked their lives to save children.
ReplyDeleteThe Qualities are the showed that they were brave. I think they are all very friendly people. He means that it took him a long time but he figures out where he belongs in the world.
ReplyDeleteI am answering to the first question. What I think Ponyboy meant was now since he is at his real home, it is starting to feel like home for him. I think he said that because he was homesick and was glad to be home. I would be homesick too. I like my home very much!
Blogg to you later,
ReplyDeleteI agree with you ms1117. You were very specific about what you said too! Did you think he was homesick? I thought he was. I am glad he "found" a family!
ReplyDeleteI am answering to question number one. Heroic qualities that Johnny, Ponyboy, and Dallas had during this chapter were bravery. They dove into a burning church to save kids they didn't even know. I think that was very brave. Also they didn't hesitate. Once they knew that there were kids in there they just dove right into the church to save them. Also they were very loyal. They didn't leave anyone behind. They stuck together like a family.
Dear Bloggers,
ReplyDeleteI am responding to LS0321. She had a good point that they are like the batman greasers. It gave me a very vivid image. They were very selfless about not caring about their own safety. I didn't think about that. I think that Johnny and Ponyboy were more brave, Dallas only helped because he didn't want to have Johnny and Ponyboy to get hurt because if they did get hurt people would reconize them in the paper and they would be caught.
ReplyDeleteI don't think Dally cared if they got reconize in the paper and that would be how they would get caught because he knew Johnny was going to turn himself in anyway.
Dear Bloggers,
ReplyDeleteThe heroic qualities that Pony, Johnny, and Dally show in this chapter is the church goes on fire and there are kids in it. So Pony jumpes in and Johnny and Dally jump in after him and they rescue the kids trapped in the church. I would never do that ever, well, maybe it depends on who is in it. The movie the Outsiders had good detail on that scene. Poor Johnny, he had a pillar drop on him and he got burned badly. Dally just got burned badly like pony.
Dear Bloggers,
ReplyDeleteWhat I think Ponyboy means when he says that he took the long way around but he is home is that before he helped the kids he thought that Darry didn't care about him a lot but he does now. I think Pony is just happy now that Darry likes him more. I think that Darry always cared about him and he just didn't show it. I also think that he is in the paper so that makes him think he is more known. I Think that Pony gets a little cocky in this part of the book. I think that Dally was fine but just a little hurt.
Dear AH1128,
ReplyDeleteThey are not afraid of nothing but they are not afraid of anything. I liked the part when Johnny said that he would not regret saving those kids and that he was happy that he did. I think that Johnny is very nice and selfless. I wonder if Dally felt the same thing that Johnny did? I think that he did and the same with Ponyboy. This is a text-to-movie coment when I was reading the book it reminded me of the movie, Stand By Me, it was really alike.